Thursday, December 29, 2011


"Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? ... What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?" ~ Eric Allenbaugh
One choice can change your life forever. Your life today is what your choices have made it but with new choices, you can change direction this very moment.

Have fun sharing with your team, as well as friends and family.
Kind regards,

Friday, December 23, 2011

What’s the Big Idea?

What’s the Big Idea?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide~jHodgepodge


Enjoy the movie, Great Quotes from Great Leaders, with timeless wisdom from world famous leaders from all walks of life that will encourage you each day!

Kind regards,

Friday, November 11, 2011

A funny route to better heart health

IT'S LAUGHING Doctors have long known a few food guffaws can help lower stress homones, bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. Turns out rip-roaring laughter dilates blood vessels, enhancing circulation as much as aerobics exercise, say researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. While more study is needed, it can't hurt to get several chuckles a day. Take a few minutes to enjoy the movie, Laughter is an Instant Vacation. This movie is sure to bring a well deserved break to anyone's day. Have fun sharing the joy of laughter with your team, as well as friends and family. Kind regards,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

In Search of True Happiness/ Weekly Devotional

Finding Joy with FREE DVD
Weekly Verse
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:21
Weekly Quote
"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure; Where your treasure is, there is your
heart; Where your heart is, there is your happiness."
Weekly Thought
So many people in our world seem chronically unhappy.There are so many factors at play; unseen trauma can reside beneath the surface in someone's life.
But is it possible that some people are unhappy because they've settled for the
easy gratification of the world instead of looking for the lasting joy God brings?All of us need a spiritual checkup from time to time to make sure our hearts and our desires are in line with God's will for our lives. Where do you find your pleasure? What do you consider your treasure? Have you given your heart to something of infinit worth?click here for a celebration of the wonder of joy. And pass it onto a friend who could use a little lift today.To Life

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Power of Teamwork

Getting your team to work together toward a common vision is the fuel that allows your
team to reach their goals and envision new goals that well exceed common expectations.
Enjoy this short movie to inspire your team today!


Discover how to unlock your power to achieve. Enjoy the new movie, The Power of Discipline to catapult your company or your life from mediocrity to greatness!

Stay inspired!

Monday, October 10, 2011

If Life is a Game...These are the Rules

If Life is a Game...These are the Rules is an international best seller with over 4 million copies sold. Chérie is the author of 14 books, and has been on the Oprah Show several times to share her insights about what makes us tick and what makes us happy.
We're pleased to say, however, that Simple Truths has been given the opportunity to take a great book and make it better! We've made it more engaging with the graphics and more "giftable" with an embossed hard cover to create a "wow" effect.
Today, I'd like to share the introduction to her book. As Helen Keller says, "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Enjoy!

An excerpt from
If Life is a Game...These are the Rules
by Chérie
Carter-Scott, Ph.D

Life has often been compared to a game. We are never told the rules, unfortunately, nor given any instructions about how to play. We simply begin at "go" and make our way around the board, hoping we play it right. We don't exactly know the objective of playing, nor what it means to actually win.
That is what Ten Rules for Being Human is all about. These are the guidelines to playing the game we call life, but they are also much more than that. These Rules will provide you with a basic spiritual primer for what it means to be a human. They are universal truths that everyone inherently knows but has forgotten somewhere along the way. They form the foundation of how we can live a fulfilling, meaningful life. Each Rule presents its own
challenge, which in turn provides certain lessons we all need to learn. Every person on the planet has his or her own set of lessons to learn that are separate and unique from everyone else's, and these lessons, as you will see in Rule Four, will reappear until they are mastered.
The Ten Rules for Being Human are not magic, nor do they promise ten easy steps to serenity. They offer no quick fix for emotional or spiritual ailments, and they are not fast track secrets to enlightenment. Their only purpose is to give you a road map to follow as you travel your path of spiritual growth.
These Rules are not mandates, but rather guidelines as to how to play the game. There is nothing you absolutely must do. I hope this book will help you to become more aware of them. By learning the valuable lessons and wisdom they offer, your journey on the Earth might just a bit easier.
As Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul says in the
introduction: "While reading this book, you will begin to see your life from a
whole new perspective. If you embrace the principles in this book, I promise you
that your life will magically transform and that you will learn the secrets to
manifesting your heart's desire."
I hope that learning "the rules for being human" will be your key to a more joyful life.
Just click below for more information or to look inside the book.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly Devotional

May You Be Blessed with FREE DVD
Weekly Verse
"And we have known and believed the love that God has for us."
-1 John 4:16
Weekly Quote
"We are His beloved. Let us but feel that He has set His love
upon us, that He is watching us from those heavens with tender interest, that He
is working out the mystery of our lives with solicitude and fondness."

-A. B. Simpson
Weekly Thought
Evangelist and philanthropist George Mueller once said that not
once in his marriage did he pass his wife or see her enter a room that love did
not fill his heart. He always saw her as a gift from God, and his love
intensified each time he saw her.
The kind of love between Mueller and
his wife is perhaps rare, but still stands as a marker, a reminder, of what God
intends between husband and wife.But what's most amazing is that the
Bible refers to Christ's church as His bride. He loves us more tenderly, deeply,
and devotedly than the best husband on earth could cherish his
beloved.Life suddenly becomes more wonderful when we live in the
knowledge that we are as precious to God as a beloved bride.
Thank You,
Lord, for Your love for me, Your child. Help me allow Your love to fill my life
with joy, and help me spread that joy everywhere I go.
Make sure to share this email with your friends, family and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!
Simple Truths

Saturday, October 8, 2011


The 3rd week of October, known as National Business Week for Women, is set aside as a time to honor and celebrate the contribution of women in business. Take a moment and share with women on your team as well as those you know personally, the movie Oil for Your Lamp, as a reminder that taking care of themselves is a must for success professionally and personally.
Send a kind reminder to the women in your lives that encourages them that taking care of themselves is important and helps them as they care for the other important people in their lives. Enjoy 3 minutes of encouragement as you view the movie, Oil For Your Lamp.

Kind regards,

Committed to Teamwork

Teamwork and team building are words used throughout all types and all levels of organizations. Commitment to the principles to grow teamwork, by each team member, is the key to high performance teams in business, sports and life. The Simple Truths title and movie, Pulling Together by author John Murphy present the ten rules for high performance teams in a way that every person on a sports team or in an organization can understand and implement. Provided below, is a movie banner to inspire your team today as well as 3 key questions from the book to get team building started!
Teamwork questions ~
Do team members know what is expected of them?
How can each team member contribute most effectively?
What constants hold the team together?
Sample Content ~
Consistent application of the 10 rules of high performance teamwork ultimately generates trust, respect, unity and power within any team. Enjoy this short movie that reinforces teamwork through Lessons from Geese.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can one choice change your life forever?

One choice can change your life forever. Your life today is what your choices have made it but with new choices, you can change direction this very moment.
Have fun sharing with your team, as well as friends and family.
Kind regards,

Monday, October 3, 2011

What is Mankind's Greatest Blessing?

Mark Twain said it best, "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." Laughter is one of the simple joys of life! Take a few minutes to enjoy the movie, Laughter is an Instant Vacation. This movie is sure to bring a well deserved break to anyone's day.

Have fun sharing the joy of laughter with your team, as well as friends and family.
Kind regards,

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Boy With Down Syndrome Ended Up Being The Most Important Employee…

A Boy With Down Syndrome Ended Up Being The Most Important Employee... The story of Johnny the bagger by Barbara Glanz I always leave my telephone number and e-mail address with audiences, encouraging them to call me if they have questions or want to share a success story they experienced by adding a personal signature to their work. About a month after I had spoken to the supermarket folks I received a call from a frontline customer contact person, a nineteen-year-old bagger named Johnny. The caller, who proudly informed me that he was a Down syndrome youngster, told me his story. "Barbara, I liked what you talked about!" Johnny said excitedly, "but I didn't think I could do anything special for our customers... After all, I'm just a bagger. He decided that every night when he came home from work, he would find a thought for the day. "If I can't find a saying I like," Johnny said proudly, "I think one up!" With the help of his dad, he copied and cut out each quote of the day. "When I finished bagging someone's groceries, I put my thought for the day in their bag and say, 'Thanks for shopping with us.'" A month later the store manager called me. He told me... "When I was making my rounds, I found the line at Johnny's checkout was three times longer than anyone else's! It went all the way down the frozen food isle. I was concerned, so I announced 'Get more cashiers out here; get more lanes open!' all the while trying to get these people to change lanes. But no one would move. They all said, "No, it's okay - we want to be in Johnny's lane - we want his 'Thought for the Day.'" Johnny's spirit of service transformed that store. The manager later called and told me how each of his departments was coming up with their own personal touch and all because of one young man with Down syndrome who decided he could make a difference! As I tell my audiences... "Every one of us in this room can make a difference. We can all be a Johnny." The Simple truths of Service

Sunday, September 25, 2011

World Teachers' Day

October 5th, 2011, is World Teachers' Day which celebrates the role teachers play in providing quality education at all levels. Show your appreciation to the teachers in your life for all of their hard work and dedication with the unique gift book, Heart of a Teacher with Dvd. There are inspirational stories about teachers who made a difference, Paula's beautiful original poems, quotes and a special section with 100 Ways to Encourage a Child has been greatly influenced by a teacher you will love this movie!

Kind regards,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A special Labor Day Clearance Sale

The amazing beauty of nature provides many moments and small pleasures to treasure. Click on the link below to enjoy the movie, Natures Inspiration.  The award winning photography, music and beautiful words will be a welcome break.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

[FREE TEMPLATE] The Perfect Squeeze Page

Do your email capture pages typically convert at 56%?
Ryan Diess's do all the time. Some a little less, and some a little more, but 50%+ is definitely common. And I'm about to join him...
The secret is in the template!

Ryan has tested, tweaked, gutted, and rebuilt his best converting squeeze page template at least 300 times.
Now it's perfect. And he wants to walk you through it. Not only that, he wants to give you his full editable "perfect squeeze page" template for you to use with your own, website.
This will be his last free gift to you in the series leading up to the opening of Ryan's Digital Marker Labs in two days (on Wednesday, August 10th).
What Ryan's shown you so far is just the tip of the iceberg, and I hope that you've enjoyed this last week, and I hope you will put these tactics, software, and templates given you good use.
Go grab Ryan's perfect squeeze page template below right now:
This is exact same squeeze template that he's used to build his lists over 500,000 people strong and I hope that you will achieve the same levels ofsuccess using it on your own websites too.
BTW: With this download Ryan gives you full permission to use his templates on an unlimited number of websites. Your cost: $0.
I just want you to realize that in just the last week, you've been given the tools double, triple, or even quadruple your business as Ryan's free gift to you.
Just imagine what being a member of his inner circle would mean for a business like yours and to your personal success.
You'll get a chance two days from today!
Jerry Conner
P.S. Ryan opens the doors to DM Labs Wednesday, August 10th at 3PM ET and I expect the'll close down pretty soon there after, so watch out for the opening emails.
Oh and don't forget...
Grab Ryan's perfect squeeze page template below right now:

Friday, August 12, 2011

What did you think?

Did you watch the video I sent you yesterday? For your sake I hope you did!
You see... Everything you thought you knew about marketing on the Internet has changed.
That's why I sent you this 'wake up call' video yesterday...

What did you think?
In the next 12 to 24 months you're going to see a massive transfer of wealth from those who don't 'get it' to those who are positioned correctly.
I want us both to win.
So if you haven't already, check out this video and learn how to profit from these changes.
Click here to watch...
Jerry Conner
P.S. The Internet marketing paradigm of the last 10 years is changing forever and this is your wake up call.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's the greatest gift you'll ever give...or receive?

What's the greatest gift you'll ever give...or receive?
It might surprise you, but just click here to find out in a beautiful 3 minute movie. Even Eagles Need A Push movie
Don't forget to pay it forward, by sharing this email with friends, family, and co-workers.
They'll thank you for it!
To Life

[FREE TEMPLATE] The Perfect Squeeze Page

Do your email capture pages typically convert at 56%?
Ryan Diess's do all the time. Some a little less, and some a little more, but 50%+ is definitely common. And I'm about to join him...
The secret is in the template!

Ryan has tested, tweaked, gutted, and rebuilt his best converting squeeze page template at least 300 times.
Now it's perfect. And he wants to walk you through it. Not only that, he wants to give you his full editable "perfect squeeze page" template for you to use with your own, website.
This will be his last free gift to you in the series leading up to the opening of Ryan's Digital Marker Labs in two days (on Wednesday, August 10th).
What Ryan's shown you so far is just the tip of the iceberg, and I hope that you've enjoyed this last week, and I hope you will put these tactics, software, and templates given you good use.
Go grab Ryan's perfect squeeze page template below right now:
This is exact same squeeze template that he's used to build his lists over 500,000 people strong and I hope that you will achieve the same levels ofsuccess using it on your own websites too.
BTW: With this download Ryan gives you full permission to use his templates on an unlimited number of websites. Your cost: $0.
I just want you to realize that in just the last week, you've been given the tools double, triple, or even quadruple your business as Ryan's free gift to you.
Just imagine what being a member of his inner circle would mean for a business like yours and to your personal success.
You'll get a chance two days from today!
Jerry Conner
P.S. Ryan opens the doors to DM Labs Wednesday, August 10th at 3PM ET and I expect the'll close down pretty soon there after, so watch out for the opening emails.
Oh and don't forget...
Grab Ryan's perfect squeeze page template below right now:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The $80,000,000 Sales Letter "Tweak" [SWIPE FILE]

This story demonstrates why you should NEVER underestimate the power afew words can make in someone's life, or even to the life of a business.
Bare with me because I wanna share a little story with you (trust me its worth your time)
Recently, Ryan Deiss was at one of his member's office in Baltimore Maryland.
This is a huge company, with over $500 million per year in annual sales.
So imagine his surprise when the CEO of the company came up to me and shook my hand and said "thanks for the $80 million increase to our business"
"What did I do?" he asked...
It turns out the company had taken one sales letter tactic from one of Ryan's trainings and applied it across just SOME of the offers in their business. And in one year, they experienced an $80 million increase in sales!
It was a company record.
So what was the $80 million sales letter magic?
I thought you might ask, so I asked Ryan to make ANOTHER free video to not just tell you about it, but to demonstrate it live:

It's brain-dead simple, but commonly increases sales by up to 300% overnight.
The video is free, again Ryan's treat to you, to show you the power of the research that he and his staff do here Digital Marketer, and also demonstrate exactly how his members benefit from it, (some more than others).
To grab your free copy of the video, click the link below now:
Ryan walks you step-by-step through the process, so this is a real keeper for your swipe file.
Can you imagine how much easier you could buy traffic, make JV deals, or just pay your own bills if every one of your offers converted 300% higher?
I know you're going to get massive benefit from this video.
Jerry Conner
P.S. This tactic works like a charm for marketing affiliate offers too, and the numbers work out to about the same. You'll typically triple your ordinary results.
The video and the tactic are completely free, go grab yours now:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hidden "magic" Facebook button?

Ryan Deiss wants to share with YOU some of the new tactics, hacks and forward thinking strategies that he's discovering every day inside of his "Digital Marketer Labs".
This first new tactic has helped him leverage Facebook to build targeted marketing lists as fast as 1000 people an hour.
Yes, I said an hour...
This trick (which also cut his ad costs by 35 - 50%) is explained in this free video:

I'm sure Ryan would normally sell this sort of thing for $100-$200, but right now he just wants to show you the power of fresh information, the kind of fresh, profitable, information his members receive regularly.
Click the link below to see inside Ryan's own Facebook account:
Jerry Conner
P.S. Ryan's "Digital Marketer Labs" is currently closed to new members but I'll let you know when it re-opens.
Until then make sure you check out this free video:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Change is Good...You Go First

Revitalize your team’s attitudes and renew their energy with the Change is Good...You
Go First movie to help start the 2nd half of this year strong. It will inspire them to
transfer their enthusiasm into actions that will move them out of their comfort zones,
closer to their goals each day and they will begin to see change as a wonderful gift!
Change Is Good...You Go First movie link ~

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Life Lessons and Joy from jHodgepodge

Life can be difficult but happiness is simple. The inspirational movie, Finding Joy, is a gentle reminder of what is most important in life. Enjoy the encouraging quotes,  breathtaking photography and beautiful music! It will put a smile in your heart!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 Ways to Become A Friendly Person

In case you are scanning this article there's a high probability which that you aren't a people person; you are not someone that will enter an area of complete strangers and earn friends, you're the type that can just stand around until a friend or acquaintance appears. You are able to however change this, you are able to turn into a people person, it is possible to become someone who is of course friendly and contains much charisma you are in a position to earn trust and support of the people who are around you.
Like a people person isn't hard as well as the advantages to it are excellent; you're making plenty of new friends, you can learn about different cultures and will also be a good deal happier when you can talk openly to people.
If you aren't a people person or simply seeking an improvement in your social skills then read on this short article for the methods to increase or unlock your social potential.
1. Be genuine. Do not attempt being the individual that tells bad jokes or does stupid issues that they normally wouldn't in order to attract attention, be genuine. (plus if you are not yourself you're going to get caught at some time and appearance stupid).
2. Be the ideal listener that you could be. Irrespective of whom you are conversing with or if you are in a group or individually one of the best skills you can develop is listening. Eye contact is key and hear the individual and will also be capable of grab things from what they are saying to produce conversation on (you will end up amazed at how many folks don't listen but think about something else to say).
3. Laugh out loud. This means do not take things seriously. If someone makes fun people laugh or if someone else tells a tale (worth keeping) laugh. Someone who has a great sense of humour will be able to attract people to them like a magnet.
4. Be confident. In case you aren't confident then it is likely people might see straight through you. If you are confident it is going to show when you are confident it is possible to attract lots of people.
5. Perform random works of kindness. Through doing random acts of kindness it is possible to build up your personality and personality is a thing that keeps people talking to you. So if you prove you do have a nice personality chances are you will attract people in. Following these simple tips you can learn to boost your social ability and you may discover how to become a better plus much more lovable person.

Living a 5 Star Life

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

YOU? A local marketing Guru?

Do you need to make some cash today?
Here's how you can use what you ALREADY know about online marketing to start earning cash and respect in your home town.
Click the link below:
You can start part-time so you don't have to quit your regular job.
P.S. This is the kind of opportunity that other people in your market
WILL eventually find out about so don't fool around and have this window close on you. Take a minute or 2 and see what I'm talking about:

Monday, July 4, 2011

HostGator 4th of July Promotion

Today only (July 4th, 2011) we will be offering 40% OFF ALL hosting plans and ALL Term lengths.
Here are some notes about the promotion:
1 Day only (Ends at 11:59PM CST
40% Off the FIRST INVOICE of all plans and all terms lengths. Please note VPS and Dedicated are only available for 1 month so the discount will apply to only the first month (first invoice).
Existing clients CAN take advantage of this offer. They will be required to add a new/additional hosting account and keep both the non-discounted plan (current/old plan) + this new, discounted plan active for the length of the term selected on the new plan in order to continue to receive the discounted rate
Click here to to take advantage: http://➡.ws/HostGatorPromo
We look forward to a record 4th of July sales day! We hope everyone has a happy and safe
4th of July!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Make Make Money on Amazon Without Shipping Products

A lot of people supplement their income by selling on eBay and over the last few years many have moved to Amazon. These are both great ways to make extra money, but one of the hassles is packing and shipping products. This is why so many people are interested in drop shipping. However, reliable drop shippers who sell at prices you can make money with are very hard to find. Now there is another way.
A couple of years ago, Amazon started a program called FBA – Fulfillment By Amazon. This is a program where Amazon becomes your dropshipper. You purchase products in bulk, create a unique label that identifies you as the owner of the product and ship your products to Amazon. When Amazon receives your products, they put them in a warehouse space with your name and seller information on it. Now you list the products on Amazon. When they sell, Amazon collects the money and ships the product to the customer for you. The program has been so successful that eBay is now looking into a similar service.
I send all my products to Amazon, no matter where I am selling them. When I sell something on eBay or my website, I simply log on to Amazon and tell Amazon to ship the product to my eBay or website customer for me.
This sure beats spending our afternoons wrapping and shipping products that sold during the day and dragging them down to UPS or the Post Office.
I wanted to share my knowledge and experience with my readers, so I got together with Jim Cockrum, Chris Green and Suzanne Wells and we created http://➡.ws/ProvenAmazonCourse . This is an online course that comes with support and will teach you how the three of us are all making money on Amazon. And its not just books; you can sell any product.
One of the things we teach you is how to get and use a scanner to find products to sell on Amazon. You can use scanners to find books at garage sales and thrift shops. Just run the scanner over the book bar codes and it will tell you how much the book is selling for on Amazon. You can also use it in stores to scan other products. One of the training videos is a video by Chris Green where he shows how you can go into a Wal-Mart and find products on the clearance tables that allow you to make hundreds of dollars a week with his simple arbitrage technique.
Click Here: http://➡.ws/ProvenAmazonCourse
Become an Affiliate: http://➡.ws/Affiliates

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How To Make Money Buying and Selling Gold

By: Skip McGrath
How To Make Money Buying and Selling Gold is my latest book.
Most of you know me for my books about selling on eBay and Amazon, but I have done a lot of other things in my life too. One of them is buying and selling scrap gold.

Gold is soaring and near its all time high.

Gold GraphWhen I first got into this business Gold was selling for around $300 an ounce. Today gold is selling for over $1,400 an ounce and experts forecast it to go higher – much higher!
The United States is the largest jewelry market in the world and millions of Americans have old, broken or just out-of-fashion pieces of jewelry sitting in their jewelry boxes. Just last week my wife came across a single 18K gold erring. She lost the other earring in the set about ten years ago and the remaining earring has just been sitting in her jewelry box since then. I put the earring on my gold scale and it weighed 8 grams. At today’s prices that one earring was worth over $300 –which is more than she paid for the pair ten years ago.
There is literally a fortune in gold –billions of dollars worth, sitting around collecting dust. But the high price of gold today is bringing it out of the woodwork. And all you have to do to get your piece of the pie is to ask.
You might be wondering how long this business can last. I recently spoke with the owner of a large gold refining company and I asked him how long this business could continue. He said:
“Every year all the refining companies in the US combined refine less than one percent of all the scrap gold jewelry in the country. And new jewelry sales grow over five percent a year. So there is pretty much an endless supply. We have been in this business for 33 years and we expect to be doing this for at least another 33 years.”
To Learn More Click Here  http://➡.ws/BuySellGold

I'm not sure if this is true...

 What did you think?

I'm not sure if this is true...

But, I've heard if you put a frog in a pot of water and
crank up the heat slowly enough, the frog won't notice and
will boil instead of jumping out.

What I do know for sure is this...

Everything you thought you knew about marketing on the Internet
has changed. And like the frog in the pot of water, you just thought
the water was getting a little warm

That's why I sent you this 'wake up call' video yesterday...

What did you think?

In the next 12 to 24 months you're will see a massive
transfer of wealth from those who don't 'get it' to those who
are positioned correctly.

I want us both to win.

And hey, if you were in a pot of water and hadn't noticed the
heat was rising to deadly levels, wouldn't you want someone
to tell you???

Of course you would.

So if you haven't already, check out this video and learn how
to profit from these changes:

Click here to watch...

Talk soon,
Jerry Conner

P.S. The Internet marketing paradigm of the last 10 years is
changing forever and this is your wakeup call:

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What did you think?

I'm not sure if this is true...

But, I've heard if you put a frog in a pot of water and
crank up the heat slowly enough, the frog won't notice
and will boil instead of jumping out.

What I do know for sure is this...

Everything you thought you knew about marketing on the
Internet has changed. And like the frog in the pot of water, you just thought the water was getting a little warm
That's why I sent you this 'wake up call' video yesterday...

What did you think?

In the next 12 to 24 months you're will see a
massive transfer of wealth from those who don't 'get it' to those who
are positioned correctly.

I want us both to win.

And hey, if you were in a pot of water and hadn't noticed the
heat was rising to deadly levels, wouldn't you want someone to tell you???

Of course you would.

So if you haven't already, check out this video and learn how
to profit from these changes:

Click here to watch...

Jerry Conner

P.S. The Internet marketing paradigm of the last
10 years is changing forever and this is your wakeup call:

Friday, June 24, 2011

This Changes EVERYTHING!

Go watch this video but BEWARE! It's dark ...

This video seriously creeped me out.

It's like my buddy Ryan was inside my head, listening
to all the things about internet marketing I've been freaked about.

It's ALL about the future and it's scary.

Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple are rockin' but what's
going to happen to YOU and me?

Ryan has figured a back way in to the big boys but you need
to see this or you could be left behind.

Click in the link below now:

Best Wishes,
Jerry Conner

P.S. Pay special attention to the special
Wal-Marts of the internet portion ... it's really
eye opening if you sell ANYTHING online.

P.P.S. This video is FREE but it will only be live for a
short time, if it's closed by the time you get there,
I am very sorry.

Here is the link one last time:
Click Here=>

Friday, June 17, 2011

Predicting The Future of IM

Everything in IM is changing.

What's going to happen by 2015?

How do we get ready for it?

Why is it so darn hard to predict the
future, especially of business?

This FREE video provides some insight.

Watch it now click here:

Tell me what you think after you watch this.

It's shocking.

Good Day

- Jerry Conner

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Learn how to capture the moment

~`Would you be happier learning Photography?`~
Online photography classes
~`Gain technical skills that could help you in the future!`~
~`Get behind the lens and take control of your creative destiny`~
~`Love each day spent practicing your passion`~
~`Deepen your focus by learning the latest digital, lighting and studio techniques~`
~`Focus On Your Future~`
Join me at BetterPhoto - FREE Trial

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This changes EVERYTHING...

I'm not sure how else to say this.

Nothing will be the same after you find out
what's happening.

Do me a favor and watch this video because
it's a real wake up call.

Ignorance is NOT bliss right now.

See, a stealth freight train has been quietly
rushing towards our 'Internet marketing' world.

Ready or not, the impact IS coming.

So you're about to experience a 'mind shift'.

I'm not saying it's for better or for worse,
that depends on what you decide to do.

But this WILL affect you.

At least you'll know what to do. Most people
will be blind sided. That's why I'm sending
you this email.

We're at a cross roads and one path leads
to something much bigger, the other is a
dead end.

So I hope you take the time to watch this
right now...

See you on the other side,

Jerry Conner

P.S. If you only could focus on ONE thing I've said
to you this year, then this video would be it.

Things are NOT going back to how they were.

It's not possible.

You'll understand why after you watch this

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our journey of life is about progress,

The Best Way Out
If someone asked me to pick one word to describe any success I've had in my life, I wouldn't hesitate. The word would be perseverance. Life at times can be difficult...but our faith can bring us through!

That's why this book by BJ Gallagher holds a special place in my heart. The Best Way Out is Always Through captures the essence of perseverance. Her amazing stories, her great quotes and her unique brand of original poetry make this one of the most inspirational books we've published in a long time.

We should never forget what we all have in common. That some point in our life, we will face adversity. It's not a matter of if, but...when. And when adversity strikes, it's not about what happens that will determine our destiny, it's about how we react to what happens. And so many times, it'll be about...staying the course, which is why I selected BJ's poem by that title, to share with you today. Enjoy!

An excerpt from
The Best Way Out Is Always Through
by BJ Gallagher
Our journey of life is about progress,
not perfection.
It's not about doing one thing
100% better -
it's a matter of doing 100 things,
1% better each day.

Progress is evolutionary
not revolutionary,
and most days we measure our progress
in inches,
not miles.

What matters most
is showing up for your life
whether you feel like it
or not.

Ask yourself,
"What two or three little things
can I do today
that would move me forward?"

You'll be amazed
at how much distance
you can cover
by taking it in increments.

The little things add up;
the inches turn to miles;
and we string together our efforts
like so many pearls.
Before long,
look what you have -
a whole strand!

Ah... beautiful

For more information, to watch the movie, or to look inside this book just click here.The Best Way Out Is Always Through

Also, make sure to share this with your friends, family and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!

To Life

Saturday, June 11, 2011

To A Child Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E ~

To A Child Love is Spelled T-I-M-E is a heartwarming reminder that the greatest gift you can give to your children is the gift of your time. Enjoy this short 3 minute movie!

New 14x14 Wall Prints and Mini Frames just in time for Father's Day!

Beautiful images and words set in high quality wooden frames the fit in any office or home décor. The banner image below has the 14x14, The Road Less Traveled, wall print as the image and displays the quote..."We cannot get what we've never had, unless we're willing to do what we've never done." The banner below will direct you to the Simple Truths Framed Inspirations page where you can shop for the new frames as well as the current frames.

14x14 Framed Inspiration Banner ~

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What You Should Know About Self Improvement Videos

Before you spend another dime purchasing the most recent self improvement RR video release, take a moment to read the following article. Within it, you will find several ideas to help you obtain the most value from the time and money you invest. Self improvement PLR videos could be worth how much they weigh in gold, but as long as you extract all you are able from them. Here's how.

Plan a fun time and set to watch the video. In the same way you wouldn't attend a class or lecture with screaming children or perhaps a nagging spouse, enough time and place you decide to make your video should also be without any distractions. A quiet in time an exclusive room with all the understanding that you might be to be left alone will assist you to concentrate on the information in the video.

Make watching the video an active experience. Usually once we view tv, we just sit there and passively observe the screen. This does not encourage retention with the information. Should you actually want to learn and absorb self improvement MRR information, be sure to keep a notebook and pen handy and take notes through the video. Be also sure to jot down any new ideas or questions that occur while watching.

Review. After watching the video the very first time, go through the important points. Review in your mind the info and ideas that were presented. Tell yourself outloud a number of the things you learned. When you try this, make sure and record any new ideas or questions that you consider.

Rewatch. Now, sit back and watch the tape or dvd again. This time you will not only discover information you missed initially, but you will also find answers to some of your questions and even a few more self-improvement ideas.

Apply. Do not let your knowledge get wasted. If there were practical excercises and good ideas introduced in the video, start putting them into action straight away. This will help you to quickly make these new skills second nature and speed up your journey.

Remember, the journey of self improvement is really a really a course in "You 101". Treat watching self improvement videos being a class and will also be more prone to graduate with honors.
Change is Good... You Go First

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Self Improvement Ideas to Change Your Life

This informative article examines some self improvement ideas that, if acted upon, could give a life changing experience to anyone. At whatever time of life you're in, whether young or old, it is never prematurily . or late to make some changes to boost yourself and thus greatly enrich your life, along with the lives of the people around you.
Firstly, to improve your lifetime, you need to really have the will to take action, this desire ought to be burning into your soul so that you can think of hardly anything else. If you don't have this drive to improve and succeed, then soon enough you discover that you have drifted into those old habits to do nothing and achieving nothing.
For self-improvement, you must start looking deep into yourself, and stay in keeping with yourself, and think what really must change about you as well as your life. Write them down if you are clear in your head, and next to them take note of what things you can do to immediately start this technique of discovery. Self improvement is a broad term that can encapsulate the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of your daily life. Start by making improvements within the mental aspect, it's easy to discover that one other 2 will follow easily.
Make yourself mentally aware of your surroundings. Consume the scenery and glory on the planet and everyday routine surrounding you. Marvel at sunsets, waves in the ocean, big black clouds, a roaring fire, the stars above, and realise that you are one tiny cog within the whole scene. Achieving this often can help throw with the cloak of self-importance and think and find out more clearly. Should you lose your ego it is possible to free your mind.
Help other man. In that way you will kick-start what the law states of attraction, and this can mean an entire chain of fortuitous events can follow only one little bit of goodwill to your fellow man. Besides that the feeling you get when you have done a good turn will probably be worth how heavy it is in gold.
Calmness, patience, desire, persistence and motivation are cornerstones in your pursuit of self improvement, and allied with a clearly defined plan can move mountains and will make positive changes to life faster than you believed possible.

The Best of Success w/Dvd

Friday, May 20, 2011

Create a baby memory book with

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  • Make your baby book one-of-a-kind. You can make your baby book special with captions, stickers, various fonts, and more. Chronicle all their firsts, from the moment they enter the world.
  • Show off your baby book to everyone. Our baby books are printed on archival-quality silk 100 lb. paper with full photo wrap covers. The paper we use is acid and lignin free to make sure your baby book will last. Whether you choose a softcover or hardcover photo book, each product is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

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Create a baby memory book with

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tips and Tricks to Self Hypnosis

If you have always been interested in hypnosis but don’t have enough money to pay for a professional hypnotist, self hypnosis is definitely an option. With a bit of application and faithfulness, any individual can become knowledgeable for hypnotizing themselves.
There are a lot of people who avail from hypnosis (self inflicted or done by others). The reality is that some individuals have pushed their problems so far down that they have a frustrating time handling them. Hypnosis can bring these things to light. Over the past several decades, it has become evident that hypnosis is a true method for therapy. Here is some advice for gaining the ability to be good at hypnotizing yourself. Also, in case you’re interested, I discovered that the AthLEANX workout is more effective than hypnosis when it comes to losing those extra pounds.
If you have the desire to put yourself into self-hypnosis, using symbolism will assist you. Calming your body down can be fairly effortless, but tranquilizing your mind to allow for a hypnotic state can pose a challenge. This is why a lot of experienced hypnotists like to visualize. Opening a door in your mind is an example of something you can think about. Some people mention searching through drawers or sitting in a room and ruminating about all the stuff in the room. Others want to have self hypnotists visualize themselves passing through a field and paying attention to all five of their senses to have that field be “brought to life”, as this is an ideal method for making sure that you are totally inside yourself for the right hypnosis. Don’t push yourself too far too soon. If you attempt to put yourself into hypnosis for hours at a time in the beginning, you will just become disappointed. Begin with small amounts of time for your sessions of self-hypnosis. At first, shoot for five minutes, then ten, fifteen, and continue on from there. Getting a grasp for short hypnosis moments will aid you in being more ready for the mental state that is needed for longer sessions in the future. Don’t move too quickly, because you’ll get off track from actually hypnotizing yourself and you’ll be wasting your time because you’ll be wondering why it isn’t working the way you had intended.
You need to have a quiet place to do your self hypnosis. A room that gets a lot of outside sound or distracting noises is not a room in which you should hypnotize yourself. A quiet room that doesn’t have too much ambient noise is ideal. The simple fact is that, especially in the beginning, any kind of noise can jerk you out of your hypnotic state and that can take some time to get over. It is easier to hypnotize yourself when you’re not trying to tune out lots of noise.
Being capable of using self-hypnosis is an esteemed trade to possess. Knowing how to hypnotize yourself can be really good at assisting you in finding a way to take care of your problems. When you have deeper troubles, self hypnosis is a great way to work through them. Putting yourself into a hypnotic trance doesn’t have to be challenging. The more you work at it, the easier it will become. Last but not least, be sure to check out our shocking AthLEAN X review and our blog post titled “AthLEANX Free Download“.
The Best of Success Movie
To Life

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Properly Choose The Right Self Improvement Strategy

Thankfully in our time we live there are all sorts of self improvement PLR methods and techniques which are easily available to every and everyone of us. They may be possibilities all over the place, sometimes leaving us a little overwhelmed with choosing the strategy or technique that is suitable for us.

Some methods have the freedom, some methods are costly. It depends on what you are looking to get out of your self improvement MRR guidance advice. It is very possible to adopt advice from a variety of sources and form a viewpoint of your own which could really help you increase your present situation.

I have carried this out time and time again and have found that collaboration of guidance from multiple sources will really permit you to expand your thoughts on self improvement RR generally. It's easier in theory however. If you are somebody that finds that the mind wanders every once in awhile, you may want to look into self improvement audio methods, or self improvement visual methods that may help you succeed.

Self improvement doesn't always come easy for some. It's something that you have to work at, build at, and hang into action. Should you understand the important thing components of motivation and self improvement, you're already around the correct path to success. In case you are unsure in what steps are necessary, prepare yourself to organize yourself for a few extensive research. This research usually takes a large amount of time, however it is very worth every penny in the long run.

Remember to possess a good balance in your self improvement research. Learn how to love the topic you are researching, because if you approach certain methods having a positive attitude, you can comprehend what you're reading far more easier than speed examining a book of techniques.

Self improvement advice are located in a variety of forms. Books, magazines, publications, dvds, and audio are usually the most typical ways of self improvement. The same as any type of studying, you'll have to set some energy aside to enable you to remain dedicated to teaching yourself to the full extent possible. Sure it can be a tiresome journey when reading methods that you don't think affect you, but keeping your determination to learn the important points and opinions of others is very essential.

Never be afraid to ask for professional guidance when it comes self improvement. After you have learned to have complete focus, increased energy, deep relaxation, and full concentration, you'll be on the way to upping your quality of life.

The Best of Success Movie

To Life


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Heart of Teacher poem combined with beautiful photography and music.

Many of us can recall a teacher who inspired us to make the most of our strengths and encouraged us to overcome our weaknesses. Show your appreciation by thanking a teacher with this beautiful gift book and movie, The Heart of A Teacher. There are inspirational stories about teachers who made a difference, original poems, quotes and a special section with 100 Ways to Encourage a Child. Enjoy this 3 minute movie that shares The Heart of ATeacher poem combined with beautiful photography and music.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Five Easy Self Improvement Ideas

Self improvement PLR is a quest that one should be on for their entire lives. That is not to say that you need to be unhappy with who you are, but instead, it is prudent to continually be learning and trying to be better. Here are five self improvement MRR ideas that can help you within your quest to become the best you possible.
Pick an Area
Sure, there’s likely several area of your lifetime that you feel might use a little tweaking. As opposed to going for a very existence makeover, just choose one area where you’ll focus at the same time. This can help you narrow your time and effort and will yield the greatest results.
Always be Specific
Now that you have chosen an area of your life that needs improvement, be specific concerning the improvements you want to make. As an example, perhaps the overall goal would have been to improve your health. The particular goals could be lose twenty pounds, work in the future off blood pressure level medication in order to start on a fitness plan.
When the general goal is work related, the particular goals could be arrive to work thirty minutes earlier or finish a minumum of one project daily.
The more specific your goals, the more it will be to measure business energy.
Reward Yourself
Whenever you realize that you’ve met a milestone within your journey for self improvement, treat yourself. The reward doesn’t have to be anything big. Should you lose ten pounds, buy your new outfit. In the event you finish a project within deadline, purchase to a long lunch at your favorite restaurant.
Making the effort to wallow within your success is very important on a listing of self improvement RR ideas. This can not only help keep you motivated, but it will allow you to build self-confidence as you celebrate each goal.
Find the Positive
In case you are the type of person who focuses on all that you think is wrong together with you, you need to stop that. It is hard to accomplish anything in the area of self improvement once you constantly dwell on your flaws. Instead, give attention to your positive traits.
Doing this will make you more prone to rely on those strengths in order to reach you stated goals.
Touch base
Many people are finding that a great step toward self improvement is helping somebody else. Be a mentor to a younger person at your job. Volunteer to learn to children from your hospital or to serve dinner with a soup kitchen.
Finding ways to give of yourself is one of the most effective self improvement ideas you’ll ever find. It enables you to take the focus away from you and to use your talents and abilities to help someone who needs it.
Self improvement happens like all other positive thing in life: through effort, dedication and patience. Decide today to work to improve an area you will ever have. You will be surprised how improving one region can have a positive impact on the other areas of your life.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Buy Autism Tshirts and gear and a portion will be donated to Autism Speaks.

Buy Autism Tshirts and gear and a portion will be donated to Autism Speaks. Code: SPEAK