Sunday, October 23, 2011

In Search of True Happiness/ Weekly Devotional

Finding Joy with FREE DVD
Weekly Verse
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:21
Weekly Quote
"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure; Where your treasure is, there is your
heart; Where your heart is, there is your happiness."
Weekly Thought
So many people in our world seem chronically unhappy.There are so many factors at play; unseen trauma can reside beneath the surface in someone's life.
But is it possible that some people are unhappy because they've settled for the
easy gratification of the world instead of looking for the lasting joy God brings?All of us need a spiritual checkup from time to time to make sure our hearts and our desires are in line with God's will for our lives. Where do you find your pleasure? What do you consider your treasure? Have you given your heart to something of infinit worth?click here for a celebration of the wonder of joy. And pass it onto a friend who could use a little lift today.To Life

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Power of Teamwork

Getting your team to work together toward a common vision is the fuel that allows your
team to reach their goals and envision new goals that well exceed common expectations.
Enjoy this short movie to inspire your team today!


Discover how to unlock your power to achieve. Enjoy the new movie, The Power of Discipline to catapult your company or your life from mediocrity to greatness!

Stay inspired!

Monday, October 10, 2011

If Life is a Game...These are the Rules

If Life is a Game...These are the Rules is an international best seller with over 4 million copies sold. Chérie is the author of 14 books, and has been on the Oprah Show several times to share her insights about what makes us tick and what makes us happy.
We're pleased to say, however, that Simple Truths has been given the opportunity to take a great book and make it better! We've made it more engaging with the graphics and more "giftable" with an embossed hard cover to create a "wow" effect.
Today, I'd like to share the introduction to her book. As Helen Keller says, "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." Enjoy!

An excerpt from
If Life is a Game...These are the Rules
by Chérie
Carter-Scott, Ph.D

Life has often been compared to a game. We are never told the rules, unfortunately, nor given any instructions about how to play. We simply begin at "go" and make our way around the board, hoping we play it right. We don't exactly know the objective of playing, nor what it means to actually win.
That is what Ten Rules for Being Human is all about. These are the guidelines to playing the game we call life, but they are also much more than that. These Rules will provide you with a basic spiritual primer for what it means to be a human. They are universal truths that everyone inherently knows but has forgotten somewhere along the way. They form the foundation of how we can live a fulfilling, meaningful life. Each Rule presents its own
challenge, which in turn provides certain lessons we all need to learn. Every person on the planet has his or her own set of lessons to learn that are separate and unique from everyone else's, and these lessons, as you will see in Rule Four, will reappear until they are mastered.
The Ten Rules for Being Human are not magic, nor do they promise ten easy steps to serenity. They offer no quick fix for emotional or spiritual ailments, and they are not fast track secrets to enlightenment. Their only purpose is to give you a road map to follow as you travel your path of spiritual growth.
These Rules are not mandates, but rather guidelines as to how to play the game. There is nothing you absolutely must do. I hope this book will help you to become more aware of them. By learning the valuable lessons and wisdom they offer, your journey on the Earth might just a bit easier.
As Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul says in the
introduction: "While reading this book, you will begin to see your life from a
whole new perspective. If you embrace the principles in this book, I promise you
that your life will magically transform and that you will learn the secrets to
manifesting your heart's desire."
I hope that learning "the rules for being human" will be your key to a more joyful life.
Just click below for more information or to look inside the book.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly Devotional

May You Be Blessed with FREE DVD
Weekly Verse
"And we have known and believed the love that God has for us."
-1 John 4:16
Weekly Quote
"We are His beloved. Let us but feel that He has set His love
upon us, that He is watching us from those heavens with tender interest, that He
is working out the mystery of our lives with solicitude and fondness."

-A. B. Simpson
Weekly Thought
Evangelist and philanthropist George Mueller once said that not
once in his marriage did he pass his wife or see her enter a room that love did
not fill his heart. He always saw her as a gift from God, and his love
intensified each time he saw her.
The kind of love between Mueller and
his wife is perhaps rare, but still stands as a marker, a reminder, of what God
intends between husband and wife.But what's most amazing is that the
Bible refers to Christ's church as His bride. He loves us more tenderly, deeply,
and devotedly than the best husband on earth could cherish his
beloved.Life suddenly becomes more wonderful when we live in the
knowledge that we are as precious to God as a beloved bride.
Thank You,
Lord, for Your love for me, Your child. Help me allow Your love to fill my life
with joy, and help me spread that joy everywhere I go.
Make sure to share this email with your friends, family and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!
Simple Truths

Saturday, October 8, 2011


The 3rd week of October, known as National Business Week for Women, is set aside as a time to honor and celebrate the contribution of women in business. Take a moment and share with women on your team as well as those you know personally, the movie Oil for Your Lamp, as a reminder that taking care of themselves is a must for success professionally and personally.
Send a kind reminder to the women in your lives that encourages them that taking care of themselves is important and helps them as they care for the other important people in their lives. Enjoy 3 minutes of encouragement as you view the movie, Oil For Your Lamp.

Kind regards,

Committed to Teamwork

Teamwork and team building are words used throughout all types and all levels of organizations. Commitment to the principles to grow teamwork, by each team member, is the key to high performance teams in business, sports and life. The Simple Truths title and movie, Pulling Together by author John Murphy present the ten rules for high performance teams in a way that every person on a sports team or in an organization can understand and implement. Provided below, is a movie banner to inspire your team today as well as 3 key questions from the book to get team building started!
Teamwork questions ~
Do team members know what is expected of them?
How can each team member contribute most effectively?
What constants hold the team together?
Sample Content ~
Consistent application of the 10 rules of high performance teamwork ultimately generates trust, respect, unity and power within any team. Enjoy this short movie that reinforces teamwork through Lessons from Geese.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can one choice change your life forever?

One choice can change your life forever. Your life today is what your choices have made it but with new choices, you can change direction this very moment.
Have fun sharing with your team, as well as friends and family.
Kind regards,

Monday, October 3, 2011

What is Mankind's Greatest Blessing?

Mark Twain said it best, "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." Laughter is one of the simple joys of life! Take a few minutes to enjoy the movie, Laughter is an Instant Vacation. This movie is sure to bring a well deserved break to anyone's day.

Have fun sharing the joy of laughter with your team, as well as friends and family.
Kind regards,