Monday, June 29, 2009

Zig Ziglar: Setting Goals

Zig Ziglar: Setting Goals

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Three reasons people can't cope in life...

You know, sometimes life just gets too serious...too busy...and too complicated. We don't mean for it to happen, but we wake up one morning to discover the fun has slipped away.
A few years ago a health study determined there are 3 main reasons people can't cope in life:
They live in the past.
They have a low self-esteem.
They can't laugh at themselves.
In fact, the study indicated that we need approximately 12 laughs a day to stay healthy!
I heard a story not long ago about a guy who sent flowers to his friend who was opening a new restaurant. When he arrived at the grand opening, he looked for his flowers. Well, when he found them, he saw that he had sent a white wreath that said, "May you rest in peace." He panicked, of course, and called the florist who said, "Bob, I'm not worried about you because as we speak, there's a guy being buried who got a dozen roses that said, "Good luck in your new location!"
Ah throws us curve balls when we least expect it! And sometimes, just to stay sane, we need to sit back and laugh!
That's what this little book is all about... making you laugh. It is filled with 250 humorous quotes on life paired with very funny photos. It's 160 pages of pure unadulterated fun! To see my 20 favorite humorous quotes or to watch our very funny 3 minute movie.
Also, today we're offering Laughter is an Instant Vacation with the movie DVD for only $10.00. This makes a great gift for anyone...and it's also a perfect way to "lighten up" your next corporate meeting. Check it out!
Live with Passion,Mac AndersonFounder, Simple Truths
Note: This offer expires at 11:59 PM CST on 06/30/2009.

Laughter is an Instant Vacation with Free DVD

From: Simple Truths

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Success in Sales

Success in Sales

Sales Success

Did you know that over 14 million Americans make their living by selling? Even if you are not a salesperson by trade, I am certain that you still sell. Whether you sell your ideas in a business meeting, sell your abilities in a job interview, sell your values in a community meeting, or you sell the health benefits of green beans to your children, you are still in sales. To honor all of those who claim sales as their vocation (and those who sell in daily life), we dedicate this week to sales.
To find success in sales, you must have a positive attitude and work ethic to enjoy the highs and ride out the lows. I can think of a few people who have that kind of attitude. Vince Lombardi coached the Green Bay Packers to victory multiple times. He was not in sales, but the qualities and dedication he did posess carry over. Watch this video to find out what they are:
What It Takes to Be Number 1

So, what do you sell? What do you do to get charged up for your day? Share your thoughts!